“Computer Hardware Workshop Organized by St. Francis Academy”
This course was designed for students who are interested in Information Technology but have limited technical knowledge of computing systems at the fundamental level. Students will explore foundational concepts related to computer hardware. Students will be able to identify and describe the devices, standards, and protocols used in wired and wireless networking ranging from local area networks to internet communication technologies. Fr. Remish along with Mr. Sirsendu Pramanik Led the Computer Hardware Workshop This workshop comprised of various trainings related to computer organization, electrical and electronics circuits. Students in attendance of this training also learned about the different parts of computers and how they function. Following topics covered in workshop. Introduction to computer hardware’s Basic operations, Motherboard, Processor, RAM & ROM, Ports & Cabling, Connectors & Expansion Card, Storage – Hard Drives, USB,CD Rom, Power Supply, Demonstration of all hardware’s. Workshop Outcomes: At the end of workshop students will able to identify different computer hardware, assemble computer hardware’s, troubleshoot hardware problems install open source operating system, understand virtualization, know latest configuration of computer system Certificate distribution by our principal Fr. Remish Ekka. Computer Hardware Training Workshop was a success due to the relentless efforts of all our teachers and sincere students.